Refrigerators investment to increase Sonora-Arizona trade

Category: News
Published: 2019-01-30

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey presented a 2020 budget proposal of US$700,000, which would improve refrigerated capacity at international customs between Sonora and Arizona to increase international trade.

In social networks, the president of Arizona said that “Arizona is open to business, and we have investment proposals to bring more trade through the Mariposa checkpoint in Nogales.

The Governor’s Office said that the expenses would attract new imports to the international port, and the Fresh Produce Association of the Americas (FPAA) based in Nogales.

The group of investors said in a statement that the investment would help the state to add jobs and increase its tax base.

FPAA president, Lance Jungmeyer, assured last fall to supervisors in Santa Cruz County, Arizona, that 4 prefabricated cold storage units would cost between US$800,000 and US$1 million.