Sedeti will facilitate procedures for entrepreneurs to attract investment

Category: News
Published: 2019-03-29

TIJUANA – With the growing interest of Asian companies, especially from China to establish their operations in Tijuana and Baja California, the head of Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico de Tijuana (Sedeti), Bernabé Esquer, said they will facilitate the procedures for entrepreneurs to attract investment to the entity.

“¿What is the work? ¿What is the commitment of this municipal government? It is to give them enough tools so that when they (business chambers) go and look for investment, they have the tools to give certainty to whoever wants to come and invest,” said Esquer.

Part of the tools mentioned by Esquer is the Secretariat’s portal, which allows the Secretariat to carry out procedures digitally and find pertinent information for potential investors.

In addition, Mr. Esquer said that they are relying on business chambers, such as Deitac, to act as promoters of the city and attract foreign investment.

Source: Uniradionoticas