SMB to drill 17 holes in Nuevo Leon

Category: News
Published: 2019-02-20

NUEVO LEON – Comisión Nacional de Hidrocarburos (CNH) approved the company Servicios Múltiples Burgos (SMB), a subsidiary of Tecpetrol, to invest US$128 million for the development of oil wells in a block of land located in Nuevo Leon.

The plan includes 17 drillings for the development of new wells where it is expected to find resources for 45,800 billion cubic feet of natural gas and 201,000 barrels of condensates, meaning liquid hydrocarbons with low levels of sulfur known as natural gasoline.

“The proposed activities contribute to accelerate the development of knowledge of the country’s oil potential,” says the project approved by the governing body of CNH.

On the other hand, the commission approved two drilling plans for Pemex Exploración y Producción in order to carry out activities in the Ichilan-1EXP and Tema-1EXP wells, located on the Gulf of Mexico coast between Tabasco and Veracruz.

Source: Industria y Empresas