Sonora to receive investment of Mining funds

Category: News
Published: 2016-02-02

Sonora will receive US$33.7 million from Mining Funds, this year, announced the Ministry of Agricultural, Territorial and Urban Development (SEDATU). Ricardo Lopez Pescador, Head of the SEDATU, made known that US$19 million will be allocated in a first stage for 36 projects in 6 mining municipalities. Claudia Pavlovich Arellano, Governor of the State, highlighted that this investment will be reflected in a better life quality of the benefited municipalities: Alamos, Cananea, Nacozari de Garcia, Santacruz, Magdalena de Kino and Caborca. On the other hand, US$7.22 million will be used for the rehabilitation project of the Magdalena-Cucurpe-Sinoquipe road, suggested by the State´s Government, benefiting 42,000 citizens of neighboring towns.