State government invested US$2.7 million in Ciudad Juárez

Published: 2019-05-02
State government invested US$2.7 million in Ciudad Juárez

CIUDAD JUAREZ – The governor of the State of Chihuahua, Javier Corral Jurado, met in Ciudad Juárez with directors of Banco de Desarrollo de América del Norte (NadBank) and proposed the financing of projects for the state and, in particular, for this border.

He explained that the support of this institution is sought to finance projects that have to do with sustainable development and environmental protection.

“Projects that are crucial for us and that are directly linked to the interest of Ciudad Juarez were presented such as rainwater drainage; in addition, we presented an operating agency study to finance several of the plans that we want to undertake in Ciudad Juarez,” stated the governor.

Corral Jurado pointed out as well, that NadBank was informed that the State Government has already invested US$2.7 million in executive projects for Ciudad Juárez, for which both direct and private investments are required, through numbers of Asociaciones Publicas Privadas (APPS).

Source: Cambio 16