Tamaulipas and Texas sign binational agreement

Category: News
Published: 2019-03-15

NUEVO LAREDO – In an unprecedented binational agreement, Nuevo Laredo was part of the signing of the agreement called “Impulso al desarrollo económico de Tamaulipas y el sur de Texas”, to collaborate in economic promotion along with state and municipal agencies and governments on both sides of the border.

This agreement, promoted by the Government of Tamaulipas through Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico and signed in the city of Weslaco, Texas, will work on a strategy of national and international promotion of foreign investments that generate formal jobs.

The Minister of Economic Development, Francisco Javier Solis Morales, stated that this is a very valuable effort to promote the Tamaulipas region and South Texas for investment attraction, which will have an important benefit for the border and in particular, for Nuevo Laredo.

With this agreement, participants will generate joint actions for the exchange of information, documentation, organization of training activities, advice, dissemination and promotion in the areas of common interest and benefit of their respective areas of competence.

Source: Expreso.press