Tecma Group of Companies Acquires Border Assembly, Inc.

Category: News
Published: 2016-06-03

The Tecma Group of companies continues to expand its presence in the industrialized and dynamic Mexican border city of Tijuana, through the acquisition of a second provider of Mexican manufacturing support, or shelter, services.

The purchase of Border Assembly, Inc. (BAI) is the second such move made by the El Paso, Texas-based firm within a six month time period. The decision to expand Tecma’s presence in Tijuana is derived from corporate leadership’s belief in the present and ongoing promise of the diverse and expanding Tijuana economy. The growth in Tijuana’s manufacturing sector is being driven by the expansions of the medical device, electronics and aerospace sectors; and Border Assembly serves important clients in these, as well as a variety of other industries.

Border Assembly is company that has helped more than 70 American and international manufacturing firms start up and operate successful maquiladoras in Tijuana, Mexico. The industries it serves include electronics, communications, medical devices, textiles, aerospace components, apparel, furniture, sporting goods, toys, automotive components, and art, among others.

Source: Tecma