Texas publishes more than 15,000 jobs

Category: News
Published: 2019-03-22

TEXAS – From January through February, there were 90,718 total job postings for the Texas oil and natural gas industry, of which 15,375 were unique.

That’s according to a new report by the Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Association (TIPRO), which revealed that the crude petroleum extraction sector posted the highest number of open positions during the period (3,980).

The petroleum refinery sector posted the 2nd highest number of open positions at 2,616 and the oil and gas field machinery and equipment manufacturing sector came in 3rd with 1,752 unique job posts.

Houston was the Texas city that posted the highest number of open industry positions at 4,973, according to the report, with Midland coming in 2nd with 1,019 unique job posts and San Antonio coming in 3rd with 684 unique job posts.

According to a previous report by TIPRO, The U.S. oil and gas industry employed 880,681 people in 2018. Texas alone employed 352,371 people in the industry and had the highest oil and gas payroll in the country last year ($46 billion), the report highlighted.

Source: Rigzone