Texas Republicans warn Trump about ramifications of closing U.S.-Mexico border

Category: News
Published: 2019-04-04

TEXAS – As president Donald Trump threatens to shut down the U.S.-Mexico border, some of the highest-ranking Texans from within his own party are warning about the consequences of doing so.

“Closing the border to legal commerce would be devastating to Texas, millions of jobs, in Texas and across the country, depend upon trade with Mexico, and the federal government should not do anything to jeopardize those jobs.” Stressed Ted Cruz, United States Senator.

Trump recently threatened to close the border this week if Mexico do not immediately stop all illegal immigration coming into the United States. Although Trump has since eased up on the threat, it was enough to set off alarms in Texas, particularly in the business community.

The Texas Association of Business said that one of five jobs in the state is dependent upon trade and that no group stands to lose more than Texans in communities along the border such as El Paso and Laredo. The business group pressed state leaders to speak out.

Source: Texas Tribune