The sale of residential houses plus increases in Nuevo León

Category: Logistics
Published: 2019-07-09
The sale of residential houses plus increases in Nuevo León

NUEVO LEON – During the first four months of 2019, the state of Nuevo León registered a growth of 10.56% in the residential plus segment, going from 445 to 492 units, keeping the state in second place at the national level in the sale of homes with a greater value than US$211,366, according to data from the National Housing Commission (Conavi).

Jorge Paredes Guerra, president of real estate firm Realty World Mexico, explained that this growth is derived from the uncertain environment that prevails in the country, since people with high purchasing power take care of their savings and choose to invest their money in real estate as a protection against any economic eventuality that could arise in the short term.

This is one of the few housing segments that registered an increase in this period, due to the fact that the commercialization of new houses fell 22.4% from January to April of this year in the entity, when only 12,673 units were sold against the 16,332 houses that were sold in the same period of 2018.

However, the outlook for the used homes segment is different, since during the period of January-April of 2019, the units sold had a contraction of 8.9% compared to the same period of 2018.

In any case, the state of Nuevo León remained in second place in the ranking of commercialization in residential housing plus, behind Mexico City, which was placed in the first place of that segment with 1,379 homes-houses sold, which represented an increase of 26.8%, with respect to the same period last year.

Source: El Financiero