Thermographic cameras are delivered to firefighters in Nogales

Category: News
Published: 2019-03-14

NOGALES – The volunteer fire brigade “Gustavo L. Manriquez” of the Sonora border received equipment, including four thermographic cameras to determine the degrees of heat in fires, informed the local council.

In a statement, it was indicated that the funds of US$32,580 were contributed by the technical committee of Fideicomiso del Parque Industrial (Fopin), to strengthen the operational area of the institution for the benefit of citizens. Complete uniforms for 38 active elements, 4 thermal cameras, a set of battery life jaws with cutter and expander, fifteen pistons, hoses, special lamps and mooring materials were included.

All of these is part of a payment of US$116,375 that corresponds to the donation that Fopin provided to the corporation, and that represents one month’s rent of the industrial warehouses owned by the commune.

Source: 20minutos