Three thousand Jobs arrive to Coahuila

Category: News
Published: 2016-02-05

Investments of about US$200 million for Coahuila will be announced during February. Such investments will represent 3,000 new jobs for the regions of Laguna, Southeast and Center of Coahuila, informed Jose Antonio Gutierrez Jardon, Minister of Economic Development, Competitiveness and Tourism.

He said that the first announcement is that of a company belonging to the automotive sector. “That is an important investment of the Auto Industry for La Laguna, which will start with a first stage of 750 employments”, explained Mr. Gutierrez Jardon. Of all the new job positions, 1,500 would be for the Southeast, 750 for Torreon and the remaining would be for the Central Region.

Source: Zocalo Saltillo