Tokai Rika to invest in Nuevo Leon

Category: News
Published: 2015-12-10

The global auto parts company Tokai Rika will allocate a US$34 million investment for the establishment of its first plant in Mexico. In a first phase, the project includes the acquisition of 15 hectares in the Interpuerto Monterrey and an industrial building of 25,000 square meters.

Mauricio Garza Kalifa, General Director of Interpuerto Monterrey considered that the strategic location and its connection with the main two railway lines, make that the Interpuerto Monterrey become in an ideal place for investments. Tokai Rika has plants in Brazil, China, Indonesia, Thailand, among others; but its headquarters are located in Nagoya, Japan since the beginning. Besides, since 2000 the firm has gained four ISO certifications, including the ISO 26262 in 2013.

Source: MVS