Tourist potential of Sonora is analyzed by Fonatur

Published: 2019-05-06
Tourist potential of Sonora is analyzed by Fonatur

SONORA – Sonora has great natural attractions that can be developed in order benefit tourism, thanks to the entity’s proximity to the Sea of Cortez, according to Rogelio Jimenez Pons, general director of Fondo Nacional del Fomento al Turismo (Fonatur).

In a recent meeting, the governor of Sonora, Claudia Pavlovich Arellano and the head of Fonatur analyzed the potential of Sonora and the best way to use the state’s ports.

The governor indicated that several actions are being promoted in support of the tourism sector to promote an increase of this activity, highlighting the program “Sonora con Actitur” which will train 30,000 service providers.

“…we are training service providers so they can kindly serve those who visit Sonora and they want to return and speak positively about the entity,” indicated Pavlovich.

It should be noted that for Sonora tourism represents 6% of Gross Domestic Product, and generates 7% of employment.

Source: El Sol de Hermosillo