U.S. company relocating 350 jobs to Nuevo Leon

Category: News
Published: 2016-11-17

Rexnord Corporation might move its production lines from its plant in Indianapolis to its headquarters in Apodaca, Nuevo Leon, which would imply a staff reduction of 350 members. “Rexnord issued a press statement confirming that it is planning ‘tentatively’ to shift its bearings manufacturing operations to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon.

This measure would be completed by June”, disclosed the portal Indy Star. An employee of the Rexnord plant, located in the Milenium Innova Park in Apodaca, confirmed that this Company is soon to start a large industrial building located next to its current plant. This is yet another company originally from Indianapolis, which has announced in the past year that its production is moving to Nuevo Leon. Back in February, media outlets revealed that Carrier and United Technologies Electronic Controls were coming to Santa Catarina.

Source: El Norte