U.S. will close the Cordoba-Americas international bridge

Category: News
Published: 2019-04-04

CIUDAD JUAREZ – U.S. authorities announced the closure of operations on the Cordova-Americas international bridge, where an average of 600 trailers export to the United States products mainly manufactured in Ciudad Juarez.

Representatives of the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) office informed customs agents and transporters in Ciudad Juárez about the closure of exports on the bridge known as “Libre”.

This measure was taken as a result of U.S. President Donald Trump’s threat against Mexico, since it’s been considered that the Mexican government is not making enough efforts to stop the migration of thousands of Central Americans who seek political asylum across the border. 

For his part, the president of Asociación de Transportistas de Ciudad Juárez, Manuel Sotelo Suárez, explained that they expected trailers that had been retained in recent days, could go through the border with more agility but Mr. Trump’s recent announcement  just made the situation more serious.

Pedro Chavira, president of Index-AMAC Juarez, considered that after Trump’s decision, the maquiladora industry in Mexico should seek other options to cross the U.S, since they must do things “just in time” and if they don’t, they could receive multi-million dollar sanctions.

Source: El Mexicano