UFI Filters announces US$25 million investment in Coahuila

Category: News
Published: 2019-04-08

COAHUILA – The Italy-based company, UFI Filters, manufacturer of filters and modules for plastic injection filters, will start operations in Ramos Arizpe in one year, and it is to generate 250 new jobs with an investment of US$25 million, announced Governor Miguel Riquelme and the company’s chief executive, Rinaldo Facchini.

The installation of the company in the southeast region reacts to the strategic situation of Coahuila and its economic development, in addition to being inserted in the state’s automotive cluster, due to the rotation of its production.

The new company will open its doors in March of 2020 and projects expansion schemes within the near future. In addition, the Italian firm explained that, after a careful selection of regions, it opted for Coahuila, mainly due to its work climate and safety.

Source: Vanguardia