Union announces end of labor conflict in Matamoros

Category: News
Published: 2019-02-11

MATAMOROS – Sindicato de Jornaleros y Obreros Industriales y de la Industria Maquiladora, confirmed the end of the strike at 48 plants, which led to their closure.

In a statement issued by the union, it is detailed that each of the 48 maquiladora plants in conflict achieved a favorable settlement that is considered to comply with the demands of its members.

In the same statement, Comité Ejecutivo del Sindicato calls its members to continue with the work, maintain unity and respect among all, in order to achieve their objectives.

In this way, the local labor conflict that led the workers of the maquiladora industry in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, and that led several of them to strike, was resolved.


source: Forbes México