US$156,386 invested to improve drinking water service

Category: News
Published: 2019-02-19

CIUDAD JUAREZ – In order to improve the drinking water service for the benefit of 5,000 families in the northwestern part of Ciudad Juarez, Gobierno del Estado through Junta Municipal de Agua y Saneamiento (JMAS) Juárez, installed a pipe with an investment of more than US$156,386.

Governor Javier Corral Jurado, who led the supervision of the works, explained that about 1,700 linear meters of 12-inch pipe are installed for a new tank with a capacity of 3,000 cubic meters.

With these actions the service of potable water is assured to the colonies of the zone, especially in the season of high demand, summer, he said.

Corral said that the works they are doing in Juarez are to improve the service, fundamental for the population: drinking water, since without it many of the activities, rights, aspirations and projects do not make sense.

Currently works have been carried out on drinking water networks, drainage, rehabilitation of wells, collectors, combating water leaks as well as cleaning plugs in the drainage, the governor said.

Source: Unidos con Valor