Wine research center to be built in Ensenada, Baja California

Category: News
Published: 2018-12-07

Producing and transferring scientific knowledge, as well as designing strategies that affect the different links of the ecosystem value chain in the region, will be the mission of a center of wine studies in Baja California, Mexico. With an investment of US$1,6 million, the study center will be built at the Centro de Enseñanza Tecnica y Superior (Cetys), on its campus in Ensenada, through three stages that will last for two years. The building will have laboratories, a vinification plant, an auditorium, a library, meeting rooms, offices for researchers and general services areas.

The goal is to create a research center that also has undergraduate and graduate programs, all around the regional wine sector, said the project manager and research professor at the Instituto Innsignia de Cetys Universidad, Mayer Cabrera Flores. “We seek to analyze the entire value chain of this sector and we want to influence each of its links, not to concentrate on a single stage,” Cabrera Flores added.

For the construction, resources will be used from the Fondo Mixto (Fomix), which brings together financing from CONACYT and the government of Baja California, an entity that concentrates 90% of the national wine production.