Workforce Solutions Borderplex Accepting Student Teams for Prudential Math Challenge

Category: News
Published: 2019-02-05

Workforce Solutions Borderplex (WSB) has opened registration for the 2019 Prudential Math Challenge, where high school student teams will compete to solve a real-world problem utilizing Applied Mathematics.  

The Prudential Math Challenge is an exciting competition that stretches students’ abilities and perspectives, taking classroom lessons into the real world.  Teams will compete for cash prices up to US$3,000 and the top 2 teams will have an opportunity to face-off on KCOS TV’s High-Q, where the final top contenders will vie for a special cash award on the popular local program. 

All public, private and charter schools in the Borderplex region are invited to register to take part in the Prudential Math Challenge. Teams must be comprised of 3-5 students, with co-ed representation and one teacher-coach. Please be advised that teams will not be offered stipends for travel. Teams must also have permission to take part in the STEAMx Competitions in order to take part in the Prudential Math Challenge. STEAMx (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math) is a vibrant, high-impact event, specially developed to captivate and engage the Borderplex region’s youth, to increase their awareness of the opportunities that exist in STEAM-oriented education and careers. This year’s STEAMx Competitions will take place on April 5, 2019.  

The deadline for teams to register for the Prudential Math Challenge is Monday, February 18, 2019. Teams can register by logging onto and completing the online registration form.

The Prudential Math Challenge forms part of the 2019 STEAMx Competitions, brought to you by the STTE (Success Through Technology Education) Foundation, Workforce Solutions Borderplex and The Prudential Foundation.