Zapaliname is negotiating two investment projects

Category: News
Published: 2016-08-25

Two new projects are being discussed at the Industrial Park La Angostura, in Coahuila. The General Director of Manufacturas Zapaliname, Miguel Hernandez, commented on these new projects from the automotive sector: one is from a Canada based firm, who expects to sign its lease before October, the other is from a U.S. based company, which is still under negotiations.

The Canadian investment will be worth US$1 million, to build their plant number 14, which shall be located in the Industrial Park La Angostura, while another US$2 million shall be used for its equipment. Operations might start this year with 20 employees, further escalating to 100 associates. On the other hand, if the deal with the U.S. Company is completed, a US$1 million investment for the building and US$5 million for equipment and facilities might arrive soon, creating 150 job openings.

Source: Vanguardia