NUEVO LEON – With a participation of 12% of the total Foreign Direct Investment captured in Mexico, the state generated an investment flow of US$3366 billion during 2020 The sectors that showed the greatest dynamism in 2020 were the...
MONTERREY – The state of Nuevo León was placed second, nationally, in the classification of the Information Quality Index (ICI) in the fourth quarter 2020 evaluation The entity’s rating was 9988% In the previous quarter it had ranked...
NUEVO LEON – Losses in the state industry generated by the blackouts of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) total US$355 million, evaluated the Chamber of the Transformation Industry (Caintra), since Nuevo León is one of the main...
TIJUANA – The outlook at the beginning of 2021 looks positive for the Association of Human Resources of the Tijuana Industry (Arhitac), after a survey showed that companies generated 42,800 vacancies in the first quarter, said the president of...
MONTERREY – The president of the North region of the Mexican Association of Professionals in Fairs, Exhibitions, Conferences and Conventions (Amprofec), Julio Valdés, commented that during the 10 months that the event industry was closed, they...
CIUDAD JUAREZ – Losses in sales and even possible technical stoppages are foreseen in maquilas in Ciudad Juárez after the closure of three General Motors plants due to the lack of semiconductors Index data show that of the 326 companies in...
CIUDAD JUAREZ – During October 2020, the industrial activity of Chihuahua was affected due to the COVID-19 pandemic However, the manufacturing sector was key so that the decline was not as serious as in other entities According to the Monthly...
MEXICO – Every vehicle, truck, and freight train that crosses into the US from Mexico or Canada will soon be inspected at the ports of entry using X-ray technology Under the Securing America’s Ports Act (HR5273), US Department of Homeland...
MEXICO – Mexico implemented new rules regarding the import and export of fuels, which experts say could be harmful to competition in the energy sector Mexico’s Comision Federal de Competencia Economica (Cofece), the federal economic...
By Nancy J Gonzalez Travel restrictions imposed by the US federal government have lasted for almost a year and have taken a toll on border economies Mexican shoppers, who fall under the US government’s non-essential category, represent an...