Category: News

Hiller Measurements Announces Expansion in El Paso

EL PASO, TX - The City of El Paso announced that Hiller Measurements, a US national leader in the development, manufacture and support of mission-critical test equipment for national organizations, is expanding to El Paso International...


El Paso Electric Opens Call for Energy Resources in New Mexico

EL PASO, TX - El Paso Electric Company (EPE) issued a request for proposals (RFP) to procure short-term and/or long-term renewable energy resources for its New Mexico customers by 2027 (RFP 2023 NM RPS) The objective is to obtain cost-effective...


Arizona reports growth in construction industry

ARIZONA - The state of Arizona reported unprecedented economic growth, experiencing a rapid increase in construction projects throughout the entity and developing a large pipeline of jobs, the Arizona Commerce Authority (ACA) noted According to...


Construction begins on new public health lab in San Diego County

SAN DIEGO, CA - Construction of San Diego County's new public health laboratory began with a multi-million dollar investment County officials kicked off a groundbreaking ceremony to begin construction of the facility at the County's Operations...


UTRGV and Oak Ridge Laboratory join forces to boost STEM research

TEXAS - The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV) signed a memorandum of understanding with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Tennessee to establish a collaborative agreement aimed at enhancing undergraduate education and research...


INM set up 30 rail rescue points after migration crisis

JUAREZ - Following the Inter-Institutional Meeting held on September 22 in Ciudad Juarez, the National Migration Institute (INM) detailed that 30 Humanitarian Rescue Points have been installed on railroad routes in 14 Mexican states According to...


Laredo’s Mayor participates in fentanyl summit in NY

LAREDO, TX - The mayor of the city of Laredo, Victor Treviño, participated in the Mayors Summit on Fentanyl in New York Treviño was invited by New York City Mayor Eric Adams to attend the two-day event for the purpose of discussing the...


Wiretech Expo 2023 held in Chihuahua

CHIHUAHUA - The Ministry of Innovation and Economic Development of Chihuahua (SIDE) and representatives of the industrial sector inaugurated Expo Wiretech 2023, an electrical harness trade show to be held on October 4 and 5 at the Expo Chihuahua...


Construction begins on UniverCity in Chula Vista

CHULA VISTA, CA - The City of Chula Vista celebrated the groundbreaking of the first phase of UniverCity The event highlighted the town's progress in fulfilling long-standing visions to strengthen higher education, employment and workforce...


UTEP awarded US$7 million to promote Hispanic intellectual leadership

EL PASO, TX - The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) has been chosen to become a center of thought leadership for Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) across the country, thanks to a new US$7 million grant from the National Science Foundation...