Category: News

New Temporary Migrant Processing Center Opens in El Paso

EL PASO, TX - US Customs and Border Protection has announced the opening of a new migrant processing facility in El Paso, Texas The primary purpose of the center will be to securely and expeditiously process individuals in Border Patrol...


Water service will increase in El Paso starting in March

EL PASO, TX - The bill for water service in the city of El Paso, Texas will see a nine-dollar increase beginning March 2023 El Paso Water reported that after obtaining approval from the Board of Public Utilities on January 11, it will draw down...


Phoenix aims to have a “zero waste” Super Bowl

PHOENIX AZ - As part of the Super Bowl experience, the City of Phoenix, Arizona has invited Valley area residents to sign up as volunteer Zero Waste Ambassadors The ambassadors will be instrumental in helping the City of Phoenix reach its goal...


Texas Unemployment Insurance Average Rate Decreases to 1.16

TEXAS - The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) announced that the average unemployment insurance (UI) tax rate for all employers in the state will be 116% for calendar year (CY) 2023 Last year, the average tax rate was 135% The minimum tax rate is...


Helen of Troy announces reduction of up to 10% of its global workforce

EL PASO, TX - Helen of Troy Limited, a global designer, developer and marketer of branded consumer products for home, outdoor, health, wellness and beauty, based in El Paso, Texas, announced that it expects to reduce its global workforce by up to...


San Diego elects Latina to head County Board of Supervisors

SAN DIEGO, CA - The San Diego County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to elect Supervisor Nora Vargas as the new Board Chairwoman for 2023 Chairwoman Vargas succeeds Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, who served in the position for the...


Tucson wastewater treatment to be improved

TUCSON, AZ -The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality has announced $25 million in funding to help Tucson Water improve treatment of perfluoroalkylated and polyfluoroalkylated substances (PFASs) at a treatment plant that addresses severe...


UTEP awarded $5 million to support development of talented students in the field of computer science

EL PASO, TX - The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) received a $5 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to provide financial aid and professional development experiences to talented students in the field of computer...


Migrant containment operation deployed in Juarez

JUAREZ, CHIH - More than 200 federal immigration agents were deployed in Ciudad Juarez to reinforce actions to protect this population, provide care, support and assistance in the event of the risk or danger to their health due to the cold wave...


Las Cruces prepares for return of commercial flights to the city

LAS CRUCES, NM - On January 10, Las Cruces officials will lead a ribbon-cutting ceremony to announce the imminent start of commercial flights at the city's airport The ceremony is scheduled to take place at 10 am at the airport facility, located...