
Albuquerque distributes Covid-19 rapid test kits in vulnerable neighborhoods

ALBUQUERQUE - The City of Albuquerque's Office of Emergency Management has received 80,000 Covid-19 rapid test kits in an effort to increase access to free diagnostics and reduce the spread of the recent Omicron variant According to information...


Chihuahua exported 524,000 head of cattle in 2021

CHIHUAHUA – A total of 524,161 head of live cattle were exported from Chihuahua to the United States during 2021, an amount 68% lower than the 563,002 cattle that crossed through the quarantine zones of San Jeronimo, Palomas and Ojinaga during...


Ford Hermosillo is recognized as the best assembly plant in North America

HERMOSILLO – Over the years, Ford de México’s production plants have stood out thanks to their quality, commitment and excellence, and this year is no exception Ford de Mexico’s Stamping and Assembly plant in Hermosillo, which currently...


South Texas ISD receives more than US$332,000 to train students

TEXAS - The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) has awarded to South Texas ISD a $332,500 Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) grant, which will allow the district to purchase and install 20 new industry-specific welding stations to initially serve 40...


Moving Your Manufacturing from China to Mexico

GlobalAutoIndustrycom’s latest Audio Interview “Moving Your Manufacturing from China to Mexico” features Dan Harris, who heads up Harris Bricken’s China manufacturing practice, Adrián Cisneros Aguilar, who heads up Harris Bricken’s...


UTEP Banking Academy Receives US$20,000 Donation from TFCU

EL PASO, TX - The University of Texas at El Paso's (UTEP) Banking Academy, part of the College of Business Administration, has received $20,000 from the El Paso credit union (TFCU) to support the goal of preparing students for successful careers in...


Minister of Homeland Defense visits El Paso

EL PASO, TX - US minister of Homeland Defense (DHS) Alejandro N Mayorkas visited the city of El Paso, Texas to meet with Border Patrol personnel and learn about the key challenges facing officers in the region During his trip, the minister...


UTEP Forecasts Border Economic Recovery in 2023

EL PASO, TX - The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) predicted that the region will post an economic recovery beginning in 2023, despite the challenges caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, including supply chain disruptions and the 19-month border...


Discussion in Las Cruces on how to respond to the problem of homelessness

LAS CRUCES - The City Council of Las Cruces has begun the discussion to address the problem of homeless people and solve it as soon as possible At the City Council meeting held on January 24, the Council discussed the issue with the...


UTEP and EPCC join forces to promote STEM education on the border

EL PASO - The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) has partnered with El Paso Community College (EPCC) to foster the success of Hispanic and low-income students in science, technology, mathematics and engineering (STEM) fields  The effort will...