
CIA invests US$2.6 million in Ciudad Juárez

CIUDAD JUAREZ – The Artificial Intelligence Center (CIA) on the Exodódromo and Galgódromo de Ciudad Juárez is currently 90% finished, according to the Undersecretariat of Communications and Public Works “The structural work is the first...


Hofusan industrial park is installed in Nuevo León

SALINAS VICTORIA – The Hofusan Industrial Park promises to detonate the municipality of Salinas Victoria with the confirmation of 20 new Chinese companies that will come to this park in the next five years, said César Santos Cantú, Chairman of...


Sonora and Arizona have a unique relationship, says Landau

HERMOSILLO – The international exchange and cooperation that the governors of Sonora and Arizona started in 1959 is a highly valued relationship from both sides of the border, said Christopher Landau, the US ambassador to Mexico “In this...


Monterrey is an important city for Aeromexico

MONTERREY – Aeromexico reinforced its presence in Monterrey, with the incorporation of 100 new monthly radio operations, to grow from 960 to 1,060 its round flights between the capital of Nuevo León and Mexico City “With the increase of a...


Bafar and Interceramic report growth during 2019

CHIHUAHUA – According to the latest report presented by the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) during the third quarter of the year, Chihuahuan companies such as Bafar and Interceramic showed a growth of 129% and 39%, respectively, in annual net...


Tijuana exported more than US$6.3 billion in the first half of 2019

TIJUANA – According to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), for the period of January through August 2019, Tijuana’s maquiladora industry drives the growth of exports from Baja California In this sense,...


Ciudad Juárez signs Memorandum of Understanding with CAMEXA

CIUDAD JUAREZ – With the objective of strengthening bilateral relations and developing a relationship of mutual cooperation in Ciudad Juárez, Mayor Armando Cabada Alvídrez signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Mexican-German Chamber of...


Mexico has not taken advantage of the commercial war, says Amexport

MEXICO – Because Mexico does not have some certificates for human consumption products, as well as the lack of professionalization among small and medium enterprises, the country has not been able to fully exploit the potential it has because of...


Prestige Development Group will invest US$50 million in El Paso

EL PASO – Another large commercial development is planned for the Cielo Vista Mall area in El Paso, Texas Prestige Development Group plans to develop a 20-acre, with stores, restaurants, offices, apartments and two hotels “The Gateway, a...


IDMM arrives in Sonora

SONORA — Sonora continues to grow in the aerospace sector The French company Industrie Doloise de Micro Mecanique (IDMM) specialized in precision machining for the aerospace industry arrives in Ciudad Obregón in the southern part of the State It...