
Fishing and Aquaculture increase 39% in Baja California

Baja California registered a 39% increase in total production of fish and aquaculture, said the governor of the entity, Francisco Vega de Lamadrid, during a meeting he held with the head of Secretaría de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural (Sader)...


Refrigerators investment to increase Sonora-Arizona trade

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey presented a 2020 budget proposal of US$700,000, which would improve refrigerated capacity at international customs between Sonora and Arizona to increase international trade In social networks, the president of Arizona...


Customs section was inaugurated at Interpuerto Monterrey

The project to install and start a customs section inside Interpuerto Monterrey became a reality Authorities of  Servicio de Administración Tributaria  (SAT) recently confirmed the news to the customs section B, mentioning that this is a "project...


Baja California Sur is the entity with the highest growth

Baja California Sur registered a loss of pace of its economic expansion, however, it continues to be the entity with the highest annual economic growth in the country and the best performance so far in 2018 On average its level of economic activity...


Dignity Health California Hospital Medical Center achieves investment of US$215 million

Dignity Health California Hospital Medical Center (CHMC) announced the start of construction of a new tower to serve a growing population that includes more than 70,000 residents of the city center and south, 15,000 homeless people and more than...


Investments of US$1.2 billion agreed in Coahuila

Secretaría de Economía adds two new investment projects for Coahuila, reaching 39 placement plans in the state, which total US$12 billion in investment, reported Jaime Guerra Perez, minister of Economy and Tourism of the State of Coahuila "For...


Incarlopsa buys 67% of Acornseekers in the U.S.

Incarlopsa has acquired 67% of the American company Acornseekers, LLC, headquartered in Texas This acquisition allows Incarlopsa to establish itself in a country that offers a very positive outlook in the sector in which it operates, with great...


Baja California ranks 2nd place in employment generation in maquiladora companies

With 381,159 jobs generated in October 2018, Baja California is the second place in employment generation for the maquiladora industry and export manufacturing, said its national president Luis Aguirre Lang In his last visit to Mexicali, Mr Aguirre...


Television production in Tijuana will have a tough year

The television production industry in Tijuana could have a difficult year in 2019, said the regional president of Cámara Nacional de la Industria Electrónica, de Telecomunicaciones y Tecnologías de la Información (Canieti), José Francisco...


Baja California Aerospace Cluster seeks to strengthen the aerospace industry

Aerospace Cluster of Baja California and the mayor of La Paz, Baja California Sur, Ruben Muñoz, signed a business collaboration agreement through which they will join efforts to strengthen the aerospace industry on the Peninsula Through this...