Category: News

UTEP Expands Research Capacity in Partnership with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

EL PASO, TX - The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) have signed a memorandum of understanding to create new opportunities for students and faculty to participate in high-impact research in areas...


San Diego approves implementation of Police Practices Commission

SAN DIEGO, CA - The San Diego City Council has approved an ordinance implementing the Police Practices Commission, fulfilling the will of voters who in 2020 overwhelmingly approved a ballot measure calling for independent oversight of police...


JX USA breaks ground on new electronics materials plant in Arizona

ARIZONA - JX Nippon Mining & Metals USA, Inc ("JX USA"), along with the City of Mesa, the Arizona Commerce Authority and local officials, celebrated the groundbreaking to begin construction of JX USA's new state-of-the-art electronic materials...


Baja California has rescued more than 31 thousand migrants during 2022

BAJA CALIFORNIA - The state of Baja California reported an increase in the number of migrants rescued so far in 2022, compared to the rates reported in the same period last year, according to the National Migration Institute (INM) During a...


NM grants more than US$700,000 to train workers

NEW MEXICO - The New Mexico Economic Development Department announced that ten companies received Job Training Incentive Program (JTIP) funds during the month of September to help train 239 new employees and 15 current workers Of the total...


San Diego approves expanding affordable housing supply by 2030

SAN DIEGO CA - The County and the City of San Diego approved a resolution to expand the supply of affordable housing by 10,000 homes using government land by 2030 The formal meeting between the County and City Council was the first in more than...


Migrants rescued in Chihuahua increased up to 123%

CHIHUAHUA - Mexico's National Migration Institute (INM) reported that during the first nine months of the year, there was a 123% increase in the number of rescues of irregular migrants in the state of Chihuahua, compared to those carried out during...


UTEP receives recertification as a university of excellence for Hispanic students

EL PASO, TX - The organization Excelencia in Education, dedicated to promoting higher education for Hispanic students, re-certified the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) for its work on behalf of Hispanic students The Seal of Excellence was...


NM grants expansion funding to three businesses in the State

NEW MEXICO - The New Mexico Economic Development Department (EDD) announced three new Local Economic Development Act (LEDA) investments that seek to boost small businesses, creating jobs and economic growth in Las Cruces, Albuquerque and Silver...


San Diego reports 62% increase in grant awards in 2022

SAN EIGO, CA - In its most recent fiscal year (FY) 2022 grant report, the City of San Diego reported a total of 59 grants with a combined total value of $25946 million, a 62% increase over FY 2021 The City Council reported that federal, state,...