
Nuevo Leon maintains growth in industrial production

NUEVO LEON – After the physical volume indexes of production and new orders registered last April the lowest levels of the year due to COVID-19, they started an upward trend in the following months that has been maintained up to August...


Exports in Juarez face obstacles

JUAREZ – Although Mexico is the United States' main trading partner, the treatment it receives at international bridges for the export of goods is not the friendliest, said Manuel Sotelo, president of the Association of Transporters He said...


Sandvik Materials Technology expands to Tucson

ARIZONA – Sandvik Materials Technology, a world-leading developer and manufacturer of advanced stainless steels and special alloys, announced plans to expand its operations of precision medical wire and wire-based components to...


Mexico should make ‘immediate’ water payments to U.S.

EL PASO - Time is running out for Mexico to pay a large water debt to the United States, and that is making Texas officials nervous "In a letter to minister of State Mike Pompeo, Texas Gov Greg Abbott emphasized Mexico owes a year’s worth of...


Manufacturing leads economic recovery in border region

EL PASO – With manufacturing plants back at work, Juarez, Mexico is leading the jobs recovery in the greater El Paso region The latest Hunt Institute’s Paso del Norte Economic Indicator Review shows that non-farm employment increased only...


More northbound lanes coming to California port of entry

SAN DIEGO - The San Ysidro Port of Entry has 27 northbound lanes and eight more are on the way They are scheduled for completion by the second week of November Like existing lanes, the eight new ones will be equipped with two inspection...


Border closure will benefit local commerce: Canaco

JUAREZ – The extension of another month in the border closure for Mexicans with laser visas means a golden opportunity for trade in Ciudad Juarez, which seeks to recover from the economic crisis resulting from COVID-19, said Rogelio Gonzalez...


Nuevo Leon maintains positive trend in the creation of companies

NUEVO LEON – Despite the negative impact of the measures taken to avoid COVID-19 infections, Nuevo Leon has maintained the positive trend in the creation of companies throughout the year, only in April did it report a reduction compared to...


Nuevo Leon was the state that generated more jobs in July

NUEVO LEON – Despite the fact that during August Nuevo Leon was the entity that generated more jobs in the country than during July, by creating 16,354 new net jobs, practically all of them were in the range of one to three minimum wages In...


Baja California registers disinvestments in the automotive industry

BAJA CALIFORNIA – The automotive sector in Baja California registered disinvestments for US$1754 million, according to the National Registry of Foreign Investment (RNIE) of the federal Ministry of Economy (Secon) RNIE data indicates that Baja...