Category: Border Crossing

Mexico approves the USMCA

MEXICO CITY – The Senate of the Republic in extraordinary session ratified the USMCA agreement, with 114 votes in favor, 4 against and 3 abstentions The ratification of the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) by the Mexican Senate...


Juarez and Chihuahua have prominent employment rates

Juarez and Chihuahua are expected to continue ranking on the top positions of new employment in Mexico, with growth rates of 18% and 16% respectively According to Alfredo Ruiz, representative from Manpower, both municipalities lost one point in...


Uber now takes riders from San Diego to Mexico

Uber has launched its first cross-border service, offering one-way transportation from San Diego across the San Ysidro border to anywhere in the northern Baja California region, extending as far south as Ensenada and as far east as Mexicali ...


What Lies Beneath

 What Lies Beneath Investigating Arizona’s illicit subterranean passageways with Border Patrol’s Tunnel Team By Jason McCammack, CBP   When Supervisory Border Patrol Agent Thomas Pittman began investigating the drainage systems beneath...


CBP’s Eyes in the Sky

CBP’s tethered aerostats keep watch for trouble from 10,000 feet     Eyes in the sky stretch over the southern US border at 10,000 feet, from Yuma, Arizona, to Lajas, Puerto Rico Eight special blimps that are part of the Tethered Aerostat...