Category: News

Computers, the most exported from Juarez

Out of the products exported by Ciudad Juarez, electronic products are atop of the list, and in this sector, computers are the champions This is explained in the Economic Complexity Atlas, which lists the shipments made from this town According to...


Chihuahua looking to attract foreign investment

Chihuahua is looking to attract foreign investment to offer jobs with better salary and development opportunities informed the Industrial Director of the Secretary of Innovation and Economic Development (SIDE) There is going to be a considerable...


Industrial park in NL starting infrastructure works

The water, drainage and electricity infrastructure works as well as the construction works for the first industrial building of the Hofusan Industrial Park, located in the municipality of Salinas Victoria in July this year The works should be...


Ford will not have an alliance with Lucid Motors

Lucid Motors did not complete successfully its alliance with Ford to manufacture vehicles electric a project which was announced as part of the agreements of the Sonora-Arizona Mega region One of the possible reasons is that Ford has projects to...


Maquila exceeding 2017 expectations in BC

2017 Growth expectations for the maquiladora industry in Baja California have been surpassed in the first semester of the year with 17% more than the prospect, achieving growth rates of 52%, informed the Association of the Maquiladora and Export...


Carrier transferring jobs to Nuevo Leon

Carrier started staffing cuts at the Indianapolis factory Around 600 jobs will be eliminated over the following months, said the United Technologies unit The Company, specialized in making electronic home appliances such as fans, air conditioner...


Exports by IMMEX Companies in Nuevo Leon growing 44.5%

According to statistics by the National Council of the Maquiladora and Export Manufacturing Industry (INDEX) in Nuevo Leon, during April this year, companies of the Export Manufacturing, Maquiladora and Service Industry (IMMEX), had total exports...


Promoting in Arizona advantage investment in Sonora

Sonora's Ministry of Economy, Jorge Vidal Ahumada, met entrepreneurs in Arizona to present the strengths and competitive advantages Sonora has for investors Sonora and Arizona have matched their mining, manufacturing and tourism sectors, and as...


Lear Corporation starting operations in Coahuila

Lear Corporation has recently started operations at the plant located in Matamoros, Coahuila, where electric distribution harnesses will be manufactured This plant will provide Ford harnesses, but the production will also focus on other vehicle...


Baja California receiving investment worth US$122 million

As a result of the Ministry of Development (SEDECO)'s European promotion tour, investment valued at US$122 million for Baja California was secured for this 2017 The head of this office, Carlo Bonfante Olache, informed that the goal is to reach...