
Albuquerque Extends Financial Navigators Program

ALBUQUERQUE, NM - The City of Albuquerque has extended the Financial Navigators Program through May 2022; that support is funded by Cities for Financial Empowerment, and has helped 424 participants manage their spending and connect with local...


Laredo suffers from lack of water in the city

LAREDO - Due to the low water distribution pressure in the city of Laredo as a result of the rupture of the main water service line, Mayor Pete Saenz signed a local disaster declaration, which among other things, urges residents to avoid using...


Yuma authorities and business leaders discuss border situation

ARIZONA - To discuss the impact of the border crisis on southwest Arizona communities, Governor Doug Ducey recently held a meeting with local officials and business leaders from the city of Yuma According to information from Arizona Government,...


Living wage will increase in Santa Fe

SANTA FE - Based on a total 12-month increase of 511% in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the Western region for urban wage earners and clerical workers by 2022, Santa Fe employees will see a living wage increase from $1232 to $1295 per hour...


El Paso Offers Flexible Housing Credits for First-Time Homebuyers

EL PASO, TX - The City of El Paso has launched a program to offer support to residents who qualify to purchase their first home The First-Time Homebuyer Program (FTHB) offers assistance to low- and moderate-income individuals in the form of...


More than US$72,000 awarded to Las Cruces businesses

NEW MEXICO - Eleven New Mexico companies were awarded February Job Training Incentive Program (JTIP) funds to support 61 new employees, three paid interns and the training of 38 incumbent workers, announced Economic Development Cabinet Secretary...


US$600 million to be invested in El Paso

EL PASO, TX - More than US$600 million will be allocated for the expansion and modernization of the Bridge of the Americas in El Paso, Texas, according to Congresswoman Veronica Escobar According to the Congresswoman from Texas' 16th district,...


Santa Fe Extends Collaboration with YouthWorks for Talent Development

SANTA FE, NM - The City of Santa Fe, New Mexico has awarded YouthWorks a talent development contract to provide services through its Workforce Innovation Program (WIP), as well as different initiatives to support and empower youth in a dynamic...


TWC to allocate US$4 million for worker training

TEXAS - The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) announced US$4 million in funding to support apprenticeships in middle-skill careers, defined as occupations that require education beyond high school but less than a four-year degree These...


Israel: The Automotive and Smart Mobility Industry

GlobalAutoIndustrycom’s latest Audio Interview “Israel: The Automotive and Smart Mobility Industry” features Orlie Gruper  Ms Gruper is a Mobility Nerd with 17 years of experience in the field, She was the first female entrepreneur in...