
Tijuana industry grows during 2018

TIJUANA – In the fourth quarter of the year, the industrial sector occupied approximately 1 million square feet of the city, representing an increase of 300% compared to the same quarter in 2017, said Daniel Caballero, president of Comité de...


California suspends construction of high-speed train

California Governor Gavin Newsom announced his intention to suspend construction of the high-speed rail line between Los Angeles and San Francisco However, the suspension of the project is not total, since the governor indicated that the...


Expansion plans in wind energy are stopped

CIUDAD VICTORIA – The cancellation of the electric auction for the sale of wind or solar energy and the suspension of the transmission line from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec to Mexico City, will affect the investment of clean energy made in...


55 investment projects are negotiated for Sonora

CIUDAD OBREGÓN – 55 investment projects are being negotiated by authorities of Secretaría de Desarrollo Económico of the State of Sonora for this 2019, although it is unknown how many of these plans are projected for the south of the State...


Fideapech will offer investment funds for regional companies

CHIHUAHUA – Through an investment fund promoted by Fideicomiso Estatal para el Fomento de las Actividades Productivas del Estado de Chihuahua (Fideapech) and state-owned private companies, investment will be sought in regional companies that need...


Beer company’s investment could be affected because of plebiscite

TIJUANA – A plebiscite against the beer company Constellation Brands could generate an investment leak in Baja California, agreed business and government sectors "It will cause us to send a bad message for local, national and foreign investment, I...


Coahuila offers job opportunities to migrants

COAHUILA – The construction industry, manufacturing or agricultural ranches in Coahuila, are some of the work areas where at least 70 migrants have registered to obtain their visitor's card for humanitarian reasons and who wish to work, informed...


U.S. sales of Ford Fusion manufactured in Hermosillo drop

SONORA – Sales of Ford Fusion manufactured in the Ford Hermosillo plant continue to decline in the United States, as at the end of 2018 recorded a fall of -172%, which has a negative impact on the economic dynamics of the state According to Ford's...


US$60 billion will be invested in road network in Chihuahua

CHIHUAHUA – The minister of Comunicaciones y Obras Publicas, Gustavo Elizondo Aguilar and the general director of the SCT Center, Julio César Huerta Flores, had a weekly meeting to review their respective 2019 work and investment programs In this...


Coahuila: renewable energies’ pioneer of in Mexico

Gobierno del Estado de Coahuila, through Secretaría de Economía, has promoted the reduction of polluting emissions from various productive sectors "Coahuila is the great pioneer state of renewable energy in Mexico, in addition to having the...