
Coahuila strengthens its hospitals with US$1.8 million

SALTILLO, COAH – Medical equipment was delivered to Hospital General de Saltillo with a value of around US$18 million, and which forms part of a US$51 million exchange for strengthening the state's hospitals The governor of Coahuila, Miguel Angel...


Softbank invests US$940 million in autonomous vehicles

The Japanese group Softbank is investing a total of US$940 million in the Californian firm Nuro, focused on non-driver vehicles for home delivery of supermarket purchases According to financier Nikkei, the investment was confirmed by Nuro from its...


Aerospace industry grows in Chihuahua City

CHIHUAHUA – The executives of Fokker /GKN received the executives of Coorporativo GKN / Fokker Aerospace Mexico, in order to formalize the start production of the Airbus A320 Shroud Box and the transfer of advanced materials manufacturing...


Union announces end of labor conflict in Matamoros

MATAMOROS – Sindicato de Jornaleros y Obreros Industriales y de la Industria Maquiladora, confirmed the end of the strike at 48 plants, which led to their closure In a statement issued by the union, it is detailed that each of the 48 maquiladora...


FedEx Express inaugurates operational station in Mexicali

MEXICALI – Due to the economic dynamism of Baja California, the FedEx Express operating station was inaugurated in Mexicali to provide logistics services including distribution and storage of goods "Baja California shows a solid growth trend, so...


Baja California Sur reports economic growth

BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR – "Baja California Sur presents a solid and sustained economic dynamism, which has influenced the strengthening of the tourism industry, which is why more international companies and consortiums want to invest in our state,"...


Chihuahua produces 10 million rims per year

CHIHUAHUA – Chihuahua occupies the first position in the production of aluminum rims, only Superior Industries produces more than 10 million rims per year in this entity This corporation has become the largest supplier of aluminum wheels in the...


Fishing activity boosted in Baja California

BAJA CALIFORNIA – Matias Arjona Rydalch, head of Secretaría de Pesca y Acuacultura Estatal, assured that they will benefit cucapás fishermen from the El Indiviso ejido, whom they have supported for the construction of facilities for reception,...


US$1 million investment to equip schools with water purifiers

CHIHUAHA – With an investment of US$1 million, DIF Estatal Chihuahua delivered 1,589 microbiological water purification tanks to schools that have the School Breakfast Program, in its hot and cold modality, in the 67 municipalities of the state...


Flowers’ entry will be forbidden into Customs on Valentine's Day

BROWNSVILLE – In view of the upcoming Valentine's Day celebrations, the federal authority for agriculture in international bridges, as well as Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza (CBP), report that some plants and flower arrangements will not be...