NEW MEXICO - New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham announced the state's support for the US and Mexican federal government's efforts to prioritize improvements at the Santa Teresa - San Jeronimo Port of Entry to expedite international trade...
EL PASO, TX - The City of El Paso and the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) declared themselves prepared to address the release of migrants, following coordination with different civil society organizations, community groups and federal...
EL PASO, TX - The El Paso City Council approved authorizing the Mayor to execute an amendment to City Manager Tommy Gonzalez's contract to extend his employment agreement for five years, through 2029 Because of the above, the El Paso City...
EL PASO, TX - Utility company El Paso Electric (EPE) announced it has received the ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year 2022 award from the Environmental Protection Agency and the US Department of Energy for its ability to help customers save on energy...
YUMA, AZ - The City of Yuma will celebrate National Public Works Week May 16-20, so residents were invited to an open house to learn about some of the upcoming projects in the community, plus the unveiling of a new "Welcome to Yuma" sign will take...
ALBUQUERQUE, NM - The Albuquerque City Council announced that it is taking the first steps to bring all municipal employees to a wage of at least $15 per hour According to local officials, guaranteeing a better wage for entry-level positions is...
EL PASO, TX - The El Paso City Council approved the allocation of $1543 million in Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds in accordance with the requirements of the American Rescue Plan Act to move from a relief to a compensation...
JUAREZ - The leader in imaging and printing solutions, Lexmark was recognized with the Manufacturing Leadership Awards 2022 for its achievements in the categories: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Digital Supply Chains and...
ARIZONA - Officials from the US Department of the Interior, the Arizona Department of Water Resources and the Central Arizona Project presented a stark assessment of the Colorado River The Phoenix City Council released that as the effects of...
LAS CRUCES, NM - The Las Cruces City Council approved a resolution to adopt the American Recovery Plan (ARPA) State and Local Recovery Funds eligibility process and guidance The provision was authorized to comply with guidelines established by...