
SRE promotes San Jeronimo - Santa Teresa border crossing

MEXICO - Mexican and US authorities discussed progress on the binational project to modernize the San Jeronimo-Santa Teresa commercial port of entry The meeting was held at the Foreign Ministry's headquarters in Mexico City, where it was...


Global EV OEMs & Suppliers: How to Navigate Supply Chain and Product Development Obstacles to Successfully Bring Products to Market

GlobalAutoIndustrycom’s latest Audio Interview “Global EV OEMs & Suppliers: How to Navigate Supply Chain and Product Development Obstacles to Successfully Bring Products to Market” features Markus Fleckenstein Mr Fleckenstein is Head of...


Las Cruces Approves New Eligibility Guidance for ARPA Funds

LAS CRUCES, NM - The Las Cruces City Council approved a resolution to adopt the American Recovery Plan (ARPA) State and Local Recovery Funds eligibility process and guidance The provision was authorized to comply with guidelines established by...


Phoenix Named a Finalist for All America City 2022 Award

PHOENIX, AZ - The National Civic League and the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading named the city of Phoenix as a finalist for the All America City 2022 award, where this year's theme is "Housing as a Platform to Promote Early School Success and...


El Paso Electric launches platform for consultation and purchase of electric vehicles

EL PASO, TX - El Paso Electric Utility (EPE) officially launched an online electric vehicle shopping tool, a free, bilingual listing for users to purchase the car that best suits their needs The launch of the tool, through the website...


El Paso prepares activities to boost local businesses

EL PASO, TX - In celebration of National Small Business Week, the City of El Paso is partnering with the Better Business Bureau Paso del Norte as part of a series of activities to boost local commerce in the border region "Small businesses are...


Las Cruces approves decarbonization surcharge to reduce gas emissions

LAS CRUCES, NM - The Las Cruces City Council unanimously approved a resolution authorizing the full implementation of a decarbonization surcharge of 15 cents per dekatherm in the first year as part of the phased-in natural gas rate...


Million Air to establish air terminal at Laredo International Airport

LAREDO, TX - Million Air, a Houston, Texas-based private aviation service provider, will establish a fixed-base operation (FBO) at Laredo International Airport, which is expected to open in late 2022 Last April 19, the Laredo City Council...


NM supports Mexico's Santa Teresa rail proposal

NEW MEXICO - The government of New Mexico has expressed its support for the proposal made by the Mexican Foreign Ministry for the construction of a new rail infrastructure to facilitate binational transportation in the Jeronimo-Santa Teresa...


Las Cruces approves RoadRunner grant applications for electric buses

LAS CRUCES, NM - The Las Cruces City Council approved two resolutions regarding RoadRUNNER Transit grant applications to be submitted to the Federal Transit Administration One of the resolutions authorizes the city to submit a grant application for...